Game-Changer (Noun): A person, movement, idea or solution that effects a profound shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something


Our world is defined by the Game-Changers. Such people are those that change the course of history, who have the vision, bravery and drive to think of their business, discipline, sport or country in a totally novel and unique way.

We all know and celebrate Game-Changers, from Edison and his invention of the lightbulb to Nikola Tesla and his invention of the induction motor, to Muhammed Ali and his achievements in, and perhaps most importantly outside, of the ring – we at TLME have long heralded the game-changing vision of His Highness Sheikh Zayed, who made the UAE’s existence as thriving as it is today. Each of these figures changed our world and left a legacy we still enjoy today.

Yet history is still being created and Game-Changers are needed now as always. With this in mind, these awards look to the Game-Changers in our region, our industry and its sectors, and our businesses. In these awards, we celebrate the leading lights of today and tomorrow.


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1 Person

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10 Persons/Table

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Game-Changers Awards Feb 29, 2024




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    Our world is defined by the Game-Changers. Such people are those that change the course of history, who have the vision, bravery, and drive to think of their businesses, discipline, sport, or country in a totally novel and unique way.

    We at TLME have long heralded the game-changing vision of His Highness Sheikh Zayed, who made the UAE as thriving as it is today, and following in his footsteps, we celebrate the Game-Changers of this region for today and tomorrow.

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    Countdown for the TLME Game-Changers Awards 2024

    Feb 29, 2024

    -707Days -15Hours -1Minutes -23Seconds